Yep, that's right-- I've been a quiet, inactive crafter/blogger as of late for what I deem a very good reason-- the first trimester of pregnancy! I suppose I could consider this the greatest crafting collaboration of my life and blog about it regularly, but I'm not sure it'd be as much fun to read about my fatigue and headaches as is is to read about monkey blankets and art smocks!
I hear from lots of people that the exhaustion and sickness is going to end any day now, so maybe I'll turn into a super-crafter soon. If I start blogging with great speed and show amazing craft productivity, you'll know that that's happened. :)
what a cool little alien picture! john must be so proud!!
i think scotto and me are going to see kimya dawson on thurs night - will email with possible brunchings or lunchings? hope you're feeling okay xo
Wow big good wishes to you and John and little whomever. I will have to seriously consider my next knitting project. Feel good.
wow! congratulations! remember that i can truly empathize with your morning sickness. aw, i'll have to learn to knit something other than a scarf...
OH wow! That's so cool...I can't wait to see this little craft project be born! heee.
Do we know if it's a boy or girl yet?????
Thanks all...
mely, look forward to hearing from you when you're in town.
amy, i would be completely honored to have my future baby don anything at all that's knit by your hands!
tiina, i will never forget those days at HTA. :)
didi, it'll be another 3-4 weeks until we know.
Love seeing your little one. Any nicknames yet? Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks. I too have started knitting again!
I'm guessing that's Sandy, not Kagan, talking about knitting again?! I could be wrong but somehow don't think so...
We've got a bunch of nicknames, including luchador (based on what the first ultrasound looked like!) and wiggler (based on what the technician said at the 2nd ultrasound: "You've got a wiggler on your hands!").
We have a girl's name picked out, but are still looking for a boy's name. John loves the Mongolian name Sukhbaatar, which means "axe hero" but I think a kid would get teased mercilessly and called "Suck Butter" so we're still on the hunt.
Can't wait to see you guys too!
"Suck Butter" Dominguez!......CLASSIC!!..ROFL!!!
Seriously i think it would be better as a Middle name...then if its a boy...it could be XXXXX "Suck Butter" Dominguez....LOL
Oh yes it is Sandy and not Kagan who is knitting! Don't know why I am being labelled as Kagan but anyway. I'm with you on the name calling - it happens. Hope you are starting to feel better!
Congrats on your newest project!! Looking forward to seeing more updates, and meeting lil Suck butter!
Many many congratulations to John and you! Wonderful news...and look forward to see wonderful updates and baby news. Hope you feel less exhausted as the weeks pass by...
Yup, this is indeed probably going to be your greatest 'crafting' project!!! :-)
PS: Congratulations again!!!
I come back to craftbuff after too long an absence and what do I see?? John and Rachel are parents! :)) Wooo! Congratulations!
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